Climate Industrial Complex - Chemtrails Link to the Airline Industry
Aircraft have always been an essential asset required for theoretical or real-word manipulation of weather and climate but the scale of control has increased to global geoengineering.
I published this video in 2014. It covers many details of what was known at the time that remain true today except that the media has managed to erase these facts from post-pandemic memories. Erasing memories is the theme of a recent book, "The Indoctrinated Brain", by Dr. Michael Nehls, where amnesia can become a function of overloading the hippocampus so that old memories are over-written to make room for the new “emergency” data. See the Highwire interview here.
It’s become clear to the sufficiently awakened, that the Global Warming/Climate Change narrative has been an abusive myth designed to corral what is permitted to remain of humanity, into technological prisons called “15 minute cities” where unelected authorities take charge of providing what they decide is good for you to eat and otherwise permitted to consume.
The links below the videos are a gateway for further study.
On Oct 18, 2012, an Airtran B-717-200 appeared to be on a chemtrails check-flight with no commercial passengers on-board. It departed from Jacksonville, Fl and landed in Atlanta but the circuitous flight path took it as far south as Alachua County, transitioning Gainesville Regional Airport - taking 1.5 hours to go 300 miles from JAX to ATL. Ordinarily, pilots are required to follow or file a flight plan but it appears they were required to remain airborne long enough to empty the chemtrail tanks before landing.
“A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification” (1966)
Chemical release from aircraft are nothing new. The military called it “chemical warfare” when they sprayed a cloaking curtain to obscure the location of US battle ships. Over 100 years later the military continues to spray but modern aircraft can release artificial clouds over 5 miles above ground level.
Agricultural expert, Rosalind Peterson (RIP) presents complaints about “uncontrolled experiments” and “man-made clouds” in the skies that negatively effect agriculture and destroy necessary “micro-climates”.
Peterson presented at the 2007 United Nations meeting on “Global Warming.’
Chemtrails Mostly Industrial Waste From Coal Plants
The debate about toxic Fluoride in the drinking water reveals the source is from INDUSTRIAL WASTE.
Many have coined the phrase. “The solution to pollution is dilution”. - and like Fluoride, the aerosols sprayed over our heads are derived from the industrial waste of COAL PLANTS.
“Fly ash, a very fine, powdery material composed mostly of silica made from the burning of finely ground coal in a boiler.” - EPA
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon has analyzed the content of chemtrails under controlled conditions to report the content of coal fly ash and chemtrails are very much the same, however global authorities censored Dr. Herndon’s research just as they censored life-saving medicines and advice during the COVID era.
How Coal Plants Provide Chemtrail Aerosols
PRESS RELEASE: Evidence of an Intentional Effort to Melt Glaciers and Hasten Global Warming
An Indication of Intentional Efforts to Cause Global Warming and Glacier Melting (Dr. Herndon)
Abstract: We present compelling evidence that supports our contention that aerosolized coal fly ash particles are the main agents responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbon gases. Aerosolized coal fly ash particles, uplifted to the stratosphere, not only serve as ice-nucleating agents, but are trapped and concentrated in stratospheric clouds, including Polar Stratospheric Clouds. In springtime, as stratospheric clouds begin to melt/evaporate, said ozone-consuming coal fly ash particles are released making them available to react with and consume stratospheric ozone. Ceasing to contaminate the environment with aerosolized coal fly ash will decrease stratospheric ozone destruction, reduce global warming, andwill significantly improve human and environmental health. (Source)
Related: Climate Engineering, Climate Weaponization, Arson, Laser Fires and other acts of eco-terrorism.
"Chemtrails Are Not Contrails"- A Radiometric Study by J. Marvin Herndon
G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails/SAG (6 Minutes)
California Air Quality Board Hears Complaints About Aircraft "Chemtrails"
Del Bigtree Interviews Dane Wigington of
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Interviews Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?
Greg Reese Summary of MAUI-Lahaina Terrorist Crimes Against Humanity