
I know Jim Lee. What do you think about him?

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First time for me. Interesting interview I’m checking out his website. Still listening to the interview (few minutes left)

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Lee refuses to call a chemtrail a chemtrail. He says it's all in the fuel. Notice how he wiggled out of a direct answer on that question. He acts like a gatekeeper and has lost all respect with me and others even though he does a great job on the climate viewer library. Lee has had some medical problems in the past that could explain it. I interviewed with him several months ago on his you tube channel.

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You stole my word gatekeeper, just my opinion - but his theory does not make sense - Yes jet fuel has additives and byproducts in it but no one would adulterate it and plan on flying the plane. Of course if they made people believe that the planes were polluting the skies and causing climate change - they could justify on cutting our ability to travel- which is one of WEF goals. The ships have been modified for solar dimming also. Too many chemtrails here in Maine - I have been photographing them for a while. Have a good photo of three planes flying together 2 with chemtrails one without. They had made passes earlier so I assume they ran out. Have them turning off an on - and nothing fell from the sky. The patents exist. Ours are military - they don't show up on any of the programs and are not required to announce projects to NOAA. There is a video out there that shoots the moisture theory down. Yes it does affect contrails - but those are relatively small, don't last and follow the plane for a short time and disappear. Also you may observe weird clouds a couple days after spraying - when the sun hits them you will see pink and blue in the clouds - all artificial. I am rural - airport 90 miles away - maybe 45 as the plane flies - the heavy traffic does not make sense - espc since they don't show on radar. Poor sods putting in all those solar panels. I am leaning to either democide and/or enhancement of 5g. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ToxProfiles/tp121-c4.pdf

(not that you can trust CDC). Will check out the videos you have.

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