California Air Quality Board Hears Complaints About Aircraft "Contrails" the IPCC Claims is Responsible for Global Warming and More
Chemtrails testimony presented at a Historic 2013 meeting at the Shasta County Air Quality Board
California Air Quality Board, August 2013: 19 Citizens and Experts Give Eyewitness Accounts.
Governement agencies read from the same script when they insist on referring to these bazaar emissions as normal “contrails” formed when water vapor turns into ice crystals as a byproduct of engine combustion. However the IPCC has designated “contrails” as a significant factor resposible for warming the climate.
How Aircraft Contrails Warm the Climate
Key paragraph on Page 7 anticipates a growth in surface warming as the aviation industry continues to add more aircraft.
John Graf uses a Nikon Camera with a powerful telescopic lens to reveal strange aircraft emissions that cannot otherwise be witnessed from the ground with the naked eye.
RFK Jr Interviews Dane Wigington
"Chemtrails Are Not Contrails"- A Radiometric Study by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD
UNconventional Grey: The Missing Link Between Geoengineering And Climate Change
UN IPCC Report Confirms Aircraft Contrails Are Warming the Climate
US Air Force Academy "Chemtrails" Manual, 1990 (PDF)
"CHEMTRAILS" is the official title of this 1990 Air Force manual, published by the DoD with taxpayer dollars. Although the content of the manual doesn't contain methods for releasing chemicals into the atmosphere, it serves to validate "CHEMTRAILS" as a term invented by the military and serves to debunk the media claim that the term, itself is a so-called, "conspiracy theory".
Shasta. Oh boy. Not coming north. But wishing for a fly-bot on the wall there. The state of Jefferson, you know. So-or and no-cal want to secede.