UN IPCC Report Confirms Aircraft Contrails and/or "Chemtrails" Are Warming the Climate
A look back at the 1999 IPCC "Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere"
In 1999, IPCC scientists found that aircraft contrails create artificial cirrus clouds that warm surface temperatures by trapping heat.
"In 1992, aircraft line-shaped contrails are estimated to cover about 0.1% of the Earth’s surface on an annually averaged basis with larger regional values. Contrails tend to warm the Earth’s surface, similar to thin high clouds. The contrail cover is projected to grow to 0.5% by 2050 in the reference scenario (Fa1), at a rate which is faster than the rate of growth in aviation fuel consumption. " (Source)
THE DIMMING: A Full Length Documentary by Dane Wigington at GeoEngineeringWatch.org
Dane Wigington does a credible job establishing that aircraft have been releasing chemicals and aerosols into the lower atmosphere (troposphere) for decades.
The official term for “chemtrailing” is “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM), however this deceptive “labeling” ignores the fact that tropospheric aerosols trap heat so that average surface temperatures in a 24 hour cycle will actually rise, thus exacerbating what they refer to as “global warming”.
Confusion over layers of atmosphere from troposphere to stratosphere is a federally sponsored disinformation tactic. Even in the minds of ardent Geoengineers, successful cooling by blocking the sun with aircraft release of reflective particles can only happen high in the stratosphere at around 60,000 feet AGL, where the air is too thin to support almost all commercial aircraft.
According to the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), "Solar Radiation Management" includes an option to cool temperatures using geoengineering strategies that release reflective particles high in the stratosphere. There are no suggestions that releasing particulates at lower altitudes in the troposphere would be effective to create cooler temperatures. The tropospheric releases of jet aerosols is consistently documented using publicly available sources like Flight Radar24. , showing aircraft releasing contrails are nearly always at flight levels in the troposphere below 40,000 feet
The following statement is only true for release of reflecting particles in the stratosphere, well above 40,000 feet.
"Solar Radiation Management (n.): a set of geoengineering strategies intended to minimize global warming by reflecting the sun’s energy away from the earth."
Solar Radiation Management is envisioned by NRDC and geoengineering experts as an operation to be carried out in the stratosphere where passenger and transport jets are not designed to fly.
VIDEO: Bill Gates is working to make SRM a reality using modified jet aircraft that can release chemicals high in the stratosphere where they will reflect partial sunlight back into space to cool the planet.
A report published by IPCC investigators conclude that the aerosol releases that Wigington mistakenly calls "SRM" actually work to warm surface temperatures - an action that aggravates global warming.
In 1999, the IPCC "Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmopsphere" (1) found that aircraft contrails create artificial cirrus clouds that warm surface temperatures by trapping heat.
In 1992, aircraft line-shaped contrails are estimated to cover about 0.1% of the Earth’s surface on an annually averaged basis with larger regional values. Contrails tend to warm the Earth’s surface, similar to thin high clouds. The contrail cover is projected to grow to 0.5% by 2050 in the reference scenario (Fa1), at a rate which is faster than the rate of growth in aviation fuel consumption. (Source)
Decades of dumping aerosols low the troposphere has either aggravated or soley created excess surface warming. We now have commercial and academic industries funded to predict global warming outcomes while ignoring a major cause of warming created by jet contrails and artificial clouds sprayed by nozzles as climate warming aerosols.
Jasper Kirkby, a PhD climate scientist at CERN, exposed aerosol dumps by jet aircraft and ship trails. (Video)
In 2018, a scientific assessment of jet aerosol particulates found these jet emissions are compatible with toxic pollution and contain ingredients found in coal fly ash. "Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash: Risk Factor for Neurodegenerative Disease". (PDF)
In 2020, scientist, J Marvin Herndon, PhD confirmed that persistent contrails released from jet aircraft are not a harmless product of water vapor or ice crystals.
"Chemtrails Are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence"
See More on the Study - HERE
"...physical manifestations of the aerial trails are inconsistent with ice-crystal contrails, but entirely consistent with aerosol particulate trails."
VIDEO: Aviation industry growth since the 1960's has resulted a rapid increase in the number of jet aircraft and the surface warming they produce. This includes either natural contrails or man-made persistent contrails created by spraying aerosols through nozzles near the jet engine exhaust as depicted in the Bill Gates
As Wigington's documentary establishes, clandestine aerosol spraying has been a global operation for as long as the United Nations and Al Gore and have been promoting fear of global warming.
The 1999 IPCC report should have put these sources on notice that their toxic aerosol and climate-warming operation were responsible for aggravating global warming. But more than 2 decades following the release of the IPCC study the aerosols continue to be sprayed as a deliberate 'global warming" operation.
At this point we have to consider that warming the climate with jet aerosols is a deliberate agenda to push a global warming/climate change narrative.
(1) Solar radiation management: the governance of research
Discussion of SRM by spraying chemicals in the stratosphere is discussed on pages 14 and 15 (PDF)
(PDF), page 7 - (4.5 "Contrails") ( Link to PDF )
“Contrails tend to warm the Earth’s surface, similar to thin high clouds”.
STUDY: Chemtrails Are Not Contrails - J. Marvin Herndon, PhD
https://justpaste.it/2uufuEvidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health
https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/12/8/9375/htmU.S. Government Spraying Tons Of Toxic Coal Fly Ash Into Atmosphere Via Chemtrails - Posted on August 22, 2015 by State of the Nation
http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=19935Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity:implications for India http://www.nuclearplanet.com/2173.pdf
Evidence of Covert Tropospheric Coal Fly Ash Spraying: A Scientific Response
http://nuclearplanet.com/erle.pdfSeptember 24, 2015 - Public Notice of the Author’s Rejection of the Retraction of the Peer-Reviewed and Published Scientific Article “Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health” by the MDPI journal, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(hereafter IJERPH).
http://www.nuclearplanet.com/public_rejection.pdfUnwarranted Frontiers in Public Health Retraction Communications