Wow on all of this!!

For the first video-is there a key segment to listen to?

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Short of time? Start listening after the first hour but watching it all puts it together best

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Doing the WEF's bidding.

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It’s like 9/11 mixed with a little 1/6. Well played Israel.

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What do you think is the motivation for this? What does Bibi stand to gain in your opinion?

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Israel and the US are working together to maintain hegemony in the region. They want China to divert their "silk road" to pass through Israeli controlled territory. But China wants Palestine to become a sovereign State with borders rolled back to 1967 status and recognized by the UN. Xi has said he would broker the deal and Saudis are on-board with this. So Xi could eventually be part of the solution for the Palestinians but will likely to take a while. So this is a contest between the Zionists and the Chinese. SEE THIS - https://needtoknow.news/2023/06/china-announces-support-for-palestinian-statehood/

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