All I can add is that Del Bigtree has allegiances to somebody on the dark side. The first time I listened to him speak several years ago, my gut had a reaction that my brain had to catch up with. Have not paid him any attention since.

Thank you for being diligent in your reporting. People need to know ALL of the truth - not his truth.

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thank you...I just posted about this too...I'll attach it, and repost this...it will be a heavy lift but let's drive it home...


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Good for you. Bigtree is getting boxed-in. His finances come form investors who make good betting on Big Pharma. De-throning the virus would break their bank.

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It would break a lot of banks - and neuter a lot of demonic ghoulz in the process...shut down the vax grift and nullify every declared pandemic... it won't be easy...but I'm prepared to be a nagging banshee about it...

Happy New Year...

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Virus is the Lynchpin of Modern Medicine.

The Alt Media are standing in the way of blowing the gaol wide open.

Pundits who generally weigh in on every other issue, bow out:

"I am not 'qualified' to examine this."

"This is too divisive."

..and even: "It doesn't matter: the results would be the same."

Who subscribes to the Virus and/or Lab Leak Promotion:

Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss.

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They cant prove viruses exist because they don't but what ever the shit is its made in a lab and put in a jab . STAY AWAY FROM ALL NEEDLES PERIOD.

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I think Del is not considering how people will view him once they find out the truth about the non-evidence for any virus, yet he is unwilling to be honest in this area. It’s certainly a trust issue, and I know that if he is willing to hide the truth here, where else will he be dishonest with us?

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More on Del Bigtree, if interested.

Greg Wyatt's page was the first one I read, 2 years ago, I think.


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When I heard the Bailey's asked him to help and his reply was the world's not ready,

This is when my eyes were opened to his truth.

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I never got that warm fuzzy trust feeling about him either. However, the virus isolation gotcha argument does not answer everything satisfactorily so more division and uncertainty. Exosome debris makes sense but our immune systems and physiology are probably far more complex than either side posit.

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My mom trusted the 'Va.cc.ine Friendly Plan' book and J.B. Handley's 'safer, smaller, spaced-out' CDC schedule. Now I am permanently disabled and never went to any highschool outside home. Was severely obese, numerous extreme rages and explosive meltdowns, extreme sensitivity to pain (a mere prick/needle would make me shriek/scream ear-splitting screams), etc.

Almost all my 'safer smaller spaced out' aluminum encephalopathy pokes were given to me in New York, being homeschooled there until age eleven and a half. Florida's homeschool regulations are not nearly as extreme, but Christian homeschool books have almost all the same lies as secular public school books (except Darwinism).

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Well I understand 'Bigtree's position. He has a massive following and is doing great good. He will not want to harm this by starting a very controversial debate and seemingly siding with an idea that many of his followers will find fantastic. Maybe he means that the Highwire is not ready for this conversation? I also would not want him to lose followers as this would damage the cause of freedom. I think you need to be patient. One thing at a time. Please do not jump on the back of his success to further your own cause and in doing so, perhaps damage both?

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Bigtree harbors the Orwellian idea that suppressing the Virus debate is the path to science and truth. He has a big following because he created it by making deals with wealthy operators and investors connected to Big Pharma. You recall his history as producer for the Dr.'s Show. We have been patient for 3.5 years when the last anti-virus guest invited to the Highwire was Dr. Andrew Kaufman. The Covid Pandemic has subsided sufficiently that now is the time for Bigtree to start inviting Kaufman back on the show, but he continues to stonewall. Bigtree's perpetuation of the virus myth will be largely responsible for success of future fake Plandemics to succeed with the panic, deaths and collateral damage resting squarely on his ego-maniacal shoulders. I would not accuse him of being an accomplice to murder just yet, but his reputation is moving in that direction.

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There is undoubtedly some truth in what you say, but how much and what, in particular, is still open to debate. All I know is, so far, Bigtree has been an good influence for the truth movement. If it turns out different then I am prepared to change my mind. Personally, I WANT to believe in "Terrain" and certainly I shall never be taking any injections, (my last was in 2016), but I still have concerns about explaining how there can be "outbreaks" in the absence of some infectious agent. Please, set my mind at rest over this one issue.

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Well, looking at the alleged covid pandemic, you could see that the symptoms were vast and vague. Pretty much every cold, flu, cough, respiratory illness, fever could be labeled covid with a positive test. And we know that the tests were frauds. They had no samples of alleged covid when they created the tests. You can't have a test for something you never had. They also raised the counts of the PCRs to such a level that everyone was testing positive. We had a pandemic of bad tests. Once someone tested positive, they were subjected to fatal treatments such as ventilators, remdesivir, various respiratory suppressants. Hospitals received payments based on how much of that fatal treatment they subjected the patient to and more for deaths. Nursing homes were giving patients respiratory suppressants that killed residents. The air in Wuhan is so bad you can practically cut it with a knife. No surprise that some people got respiratory illnesses. Blame it on a mystery virus rather than take responsibility for poisoning the public with toxic air. Northern Italy had just vaccinated many older folks with a new more potent flu vaccine and their air is also quite polluted. Put the two together and you get many dropping again but blame it on a mystery virus rather than simple poisoning. The outbreak was a construct. Each country using the virus as an excuse to keep people locked up, remove their freedoms, destroy their jobs, shift huge amounts of wealth from the citizens to a few multi billionaires and banks. The question you need to ask is was there ever really an "outbreak" of anything other than propaganda.

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Good reply. Please consider breaking up your paragraphs into smaller chunks using paragraph breaks. A big wall of text is not easy on the eyes. It often discourages reading because a big wall of text can appear daunting to some. You'll reach a wider audience. I only bother to mention this because you write well and write something worth reading. Cheers.

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A book worth checking out is What Really Makes You Ill? by Dawn Lester and David Parker. Packed with a lot of information but can be overwhelming at over 700 pages. Just take it a little at a time. Thanks for your suggestion. Best of health to you in the New Year.

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Been there, done that. Wrote a glowing review for it at Amazon a couple of years ago.

Happy New Year.

It's gonna get hotter than hell socially & politically this year. May the shootings begin!

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I agree. I will have to look into it a lot more yet as the germ theory still makes sense to me! More research!

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Monica, as I just posted to another person, I suggest reading What Really MakesYou Ill? by Dawn Lester and David Parker if you are still a supporter of germ theory. This might be the research you are looking for.

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Thank you for that recommendation. I will order it online now

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