Produced by Dr, Andrew Kaufman and Marcelina Cravat, this EPIC film explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote human wellness.
An extensive refresher course for the wary who chose health sovereignty over unconstitutional mandates. This was a test... If you rejected the Vaxx mandates, then you are among the spiritually mature who can survive the coming tribulations. ... No fear
VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST - The so-called "virus" has never been proven to exist by isolation under microscope or any other scientific method. So it's impossible to claim a virus is the cause of Bird Flu or anything else.... The virus rumor is a result of science fraud published by Luis Pasteur who confessed to fraudulent claims on his death-bed. See Dr. Andrew Kaufman Documentary -
From A Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language: Embracing a copious vocabulary of words in common use, with their definitions... prepared upon the basis of the latest edition of the unabridged dictionary of Joseph E. Worcester, LLD JB Lippincott Co. (1860). My copy is from 1888.
Bacterium - A filamentous organism propagated in decomposing liquids.
Germ- A sprout; a shoot; a bud - origin
Poison - A substance that destroys life or health; venom; to infect; to corrupt
Virus- purulent matter; poison
pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs
vaccine- of or belonging to a cow, relating to vaccination
vaccinate- to inoculate with vaccine matter in order to protect from the small-pox
The 2000 year old Hippocratic Oath (part): "With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage. Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so." - is very interesting, and makes one wonder if some physicians did administer poisons to their patients for various reasons, like compensation.
An extensive refresher course for the wary who chose health sovereignty over unconstitutional mandates. This was a test... If you rejected the Vaxx mandates, then you are among the spiritually mature who can survive the coming tribulations. ... No fear
VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST - The so-called "virus" has never been proven to exist by isolation under microscope or any other scientific method. So it's impossible to claim a virus is the cause of Bird Flu or anything else.... The virus rumor is a result of science fraud published by Luis Pasteur who confessed to fraudulent claims on his death-bed. See Dr. Andrew Kaufman Documentary -
From A Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language: Embracing a copious vocabulary of words in common use, with their definitions... prepared upon the basis of the latest edition of the unabridged dictionary of Joseph E. Worcester, LLD JB Lippincott Co. (1860). My copy is from 1888.
Bacterium - A filamentous organism propagated in decomposing liquids.
Germ- A sprout; a shoot; a bud - origin
Poison - A substance that destroys life or health; venom; to infect; to corrupt
Virus- purulent matter; poison
pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs
vaccine- of or belonging to a cow, relating to vaccination
vaccinate- to inoculate with vaccine matter in order to protect from the small-pox
The 2000 year old Hippocratic Oath (part): "With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage. Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so." - is very interesting, and makes one wonder if some physicians did administer poisons to their patients for various reasons, like compensation.