"Naftali’s original tweet speaks of a “terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza.” He also speaks of “human shields” used by Hamas. This implies that the Israelis possessed extremely accurate information about the nature of the target and understood the target was surrounded by a sea of Palestinian civilians taking shelter in the hospital parking lot."

I don't actually buy any of this. IMO this is just the cover story for bombing civilian infrastructure and killing Palestinians. The US did this same BS in Syria--the US sent ISIS into Syria and then claimed to be bombing ISIS, when this was just a cover story for bombing the hell out of Syria.

Once these criminal governments get wars going (almost always based on lies, deceptions, propaganda and false flags) then they pretty much get to do whatever they want to do without having to provide evidence. It's monstrously evil and sick.

What evidence do we actually have of the initial atrocities committed by Hamas (Israel's creation, working for Israel, the whole attack was a false flag to allow Israel to slaughter Palestinians)? They declared 40 beheaded babies, with no evidence, now a proven lie. Ben Shapiro pushed an AI generated image of a burned baby. The LA times retracted the rape story. Does Hamas really have hostages? How do we know? How do we know Hamas isn't really Mossad running around pretending to be Hamas (like with the Lavon Affair, Zios dressed up like Arabs)

Israeli Crisis Actors Can’t Help Laughing While Duping the ‘Goyim’ renegade October 22, 2023


I don't agree with Miles Mathis on this war being fake (I believe the slaughter of the Palestinians in Gaza is very real), but page 6 has a smiling Israeli trying to take a selfie as she's supposedly running from terrorists who showed up at that rave party: http://mileswmathis.com/isra.pdf Also, on the front page Miles Mathis has the paragliders--how do we know that's real and wasn't filmed in advance. As Max Igan says, how did the Palestinians/Hamas get paragliders up in the air in the first place--they don't have any equipment for that.

Also, I've seen endless videos of Palestinians in the hospital, severely injured and traumatized, but I don't recall seeing injured Israelis in the hospital, which is sort of curious because you would think the Israelil government would want everyone to see.

I thought this exchange from CJ Hopkins's substack was interesting--first guy says there are videos of Hamas atrocities all over the internet, so next guy asks for them:

JMcS Writes JMcS’s Substack: Any links to Hamas videos "all over the internet"?

J. Matthews https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/10/09/dashcam-video-israel-music-festival-hamas-gunmen-ovn-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn

JMcSWrites JMcS’s Substack: Commentator says video shows people being shot & killed at point blank range. Video shows man shooting yes - then pulling away a man (alive) & that's it. Maybe someone was killed but this video doesn't show that.

J. Matthews: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/10/18/hamas-video-israel-attack-pkg-chance-vpx.cnn

JMcSWrites JMcS’s Substack: Documents talking about where to keep & give any medical treatment to hostages. Israeli govt supplied docs connecting Hamas to Al Q & ISIS - "CNN unable to verify" Little in this clip to prove outright atrocities.

Also, I listened to Ryan @TheLastAmericanVagabond last night and he showed an Israeli govt official saying that they have video of Hamas atrocities (maybe from body cams of dead Hamas? but why would Hamas/Mossad? do that?) that they will be showing to selected media, who can then describe what they saw. So, again, I would like to see the evidence of the atrocities they claimed happened--especially since such claims are being used as justification for slaughtering thousands of civilians and bombing the hell out of Gaza, and possibly starting WW3.

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Lots of fake violence scenes. ABC (GMA) showed a small child carried by a man but with obvious theatrical blood smeared on the child's head. Look for it

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Hamas is a creation of Netenyahu. He pays them to act badly to deny Palestinian statehood.

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Great comment

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You know what drives me crazy? I think some of these people with military/intelligence backgrounds are oblivious to all of the psyops, false flags, and outright hoaxes that have been going on, so they never even think about the possibility of fakery.

What I think is interesting is that even Larry Johnson (former CIA) realizes that the modus operandi of Hamas has changed from random rockets that never did much damage to something very different, but he never considers the possibility that the claims of the Israeli govt could be lies:


"I think the era of random rocket shots is over. When you compare the scope and scale of Hamas attacks on October 7 with its history of feckless rocket launches, it is clear that Hamas now is displaying a new level of skill and lethality."

So, he totally realizes that what supposedly happened on 10/7 is completely different from how Hamas has operated in the past, but he never questions if the claims and allegations of the Israeli government about the Hamas atrocities are actually truthful--as in where is the evidence that any of this even happened??

I don't think it's even worth posting my comment at Larry's site, since I don't think he even realizes that 9/11 was a false flag or that the US and Israel have been supporting ISIS and that all of these so-called terror groups are controlled by corrupt governments and intelligence agencies.

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Remeber, Obama created the environment for all this to happen. A takedown of US and Isreal

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