Jul 8, 2023Liked by Harold Saive

Fantastic work. Thanks for all the great links!

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Thanks, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act was open-season for unconstitutional censorship and false propaganda, although media lies were common long before that.

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Great post. Thanks for putting all of this info together in one place.

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The news is currently covering the fake EL PASO Walmart mass shooting of 2019. Same playbook as most of the rest. Just like Covid - It's all deception and the media is in on it mostly because of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act that allows the American people to be propagandized by the Media, Whitehouse and Military. It needs to be repealed. The recent court case announced on July 4th is evidence that the censorship issue is going our way - https://nypost.com/2022/10/23/lawsuit-reveals-vast-censorship-scheme-by-big-tech-and-the-federal-government/

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Yup, all deception. Yet so many are still asleep and totally brainwashed.

Thanks for the info on that court case. I wasn't aware of that.

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Most likely will go to SCOTUS where we "expect" it will be be supported. Hold your breath?

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Well time will tell. I don't have much hope from SCOTUS, but every once in a while they come through. We just have to keep trying to wake up the masses and increase our numbers.

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Excellent article. Loved the James Fetzer interview. He confirmed everything that I was aware of on what I dub, “Shady Hoax”. Fetzer is not a conspiracy theorist—he’s a damn good conspiracy analyst.

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Nobody Died

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