I knew right when Fuellmich spoke out on the COVID pandemic and mRNA bioweapon that they were going to come for him. But, too late, his voice and expertise made it out into the world...bravery like this is what saves the world from evil empires.

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Harold - Thank you! ■ I pray for Fuellmich; Prayers continuously. M

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The Righteous will b mercilessly persecuted in these end times. May God hold these precious Truth Sayers close & guide them with Strength & Perseverance.

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Have been following him for 4 years. What a human being. I’m heart broken that he is in prison & his wife must be going through hell on earth. It’s sad that Germany has again reverted to Nazi like state & has not learnt from history. I’m spreading the word & pray for him & his wife.

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Germany is enslaved just like the rest of the world. Forget the Nazis; it's all propaganda and we have not been told the truth about them or much of anything else.

“… it is gross moral negligence to give any government a presumption of truth in any matter to do with its war… Likewise, it is moral turpitude in the extreme, where the mass destruction of human life is concerned, to put one’s faith in the veracity of institutions or people who have chronically and egregiously lied regarding similar matters in the past.”

December 7, 1941, A Day of Deceit as Well as Infamy

By Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy


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Could you please keep sharing Reiner's address? Thank you.

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It’s on the thumbnail of this video I uploaded. https://www.bitchute.com/video/BL8T0xORIpq9/

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Thumbnail? Sorry I don't see anything...

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I saw a tape of Reiner yesterday. Quite frankly, he sounded like he was under the spell of some administered drug. Not sharp, not precise, he was too buttery. Too rounded off.

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Was the video taken while he was in jail? What were the circumstances.?... Do you have a link so I can see it?

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Today's Rumor Mill Review has the article/video on Reiner Fuellmich

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Are you Believers in God? We are praying for you, and know that the Lord is with you. You have and are doing great deeds. God has a destiny for you. Stay strong and trust in Jesus. Call out to Him now.

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Dear Inka, I'm so sorry for all that you've suffered. So many people owe so much to Reiner and we are impotent to help, except praying and help promoting your givesendgo.

When this is over, tell Reiner to contact me if he needs money. I've got a freedom project which could help him.



PS hard times await for us all it seems:


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Thank You for sharing. It's obvious there is desperation to hide the truth. It's NOT possible to hide the truth.

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Thank you for doing this interview. Please tell Inka not to give up hope. We, Reiner's supporters all over the world, are all praying for him. We are all so thankful for his bravery and hard work for the past few years since all this madness began; he is a true hero. Hearing from Inka gives us a real connection to him. I hope it will give her some comfort too.

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Thank you for updating us on this. Sadly, another victim of our currently corrupted world. So it seems that Vivian is a bad actor? Who can you trust anymore?

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Riener is the truth he doesnt need defending set him free he will defend himself. Take comfort in knowing we are all here for him & were not going anywhere. This is a spiritual battle The Fuelllich's are always in our prayers. They will never break him as the truth can never be broken. May the good and just people of Law & Justice step up and keep our Angels of Truth safe.

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Reiner Fuellmich mailing address: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BL8T0xORIpq9/

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I have been wondering what happened to this obviously fine gentleman. Thanks!

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This report strikes me as 'OFF'. Not to mention the details keep shifting just a little. People write about Mexico because not many outside those of us who live here will contest the narrative. (you know, like the 'ovens never stop' lie)

Mexicans don't GAS if your visa has expired, in fact they're currently handing out residence permits to hippies with expired tourist visas. No way would Nat Guard and Immigration meet 'someone' at the airport - puhlease!!

And a German consul at the airport?? Perhaps that was your first clue to hotfoot off to the hills.

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