Jimmy, the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop is not as important as “What did the Attending Physician who saw Seth Rich the next morning do? He saw him alone and he told the nurses not to see him AT ALL THE NEXT DAY. At 3PM that afternoon they decided to see him before the Shift Change. They found him dead and this has never been explained. There is a Discharge Summary somewhere that gives the final Diagnosis and Cause of Death and the charges to his insurance. That must be tracked down because that is where the answer is of what happened to him because the Senior Resident said that Seth should be alive today. He saw Seth in the ER and took him to Surgery, checked him for bleeding and cleaned his wounds and sewed him up.

What did that Attending Physician do to Seth Rich the next morning that would explain why Seth Rich died?

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All things war were generated and have been orchestrated between US and Nazi Germany pre WW1 - The wars never ended. This is a Eugenics Freemason world depopulation plan that began with JD Rockefeller 1880s... Connect the dots! The Secret Covenant & Pharmacology - https://sterry448.substack.com/p/the-secret-covenant-and-pharmacology?r=pvup8 to the JFK Assassination - https://sterry448.substack.com/p/jfk-assassination-november-22-1963?r=pvup8. ... and 1880s World Depopulation Plan - Autism Rates Skyrocket as Child Vax Increases! https://sterry448.substack.com/p/autism-rates-skyrocket-as-child-vax?r=pvup8 They are all connected.

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