I attempt to code in words. Vivi ane fisher with an extra letter, and wolf gang, initial cap, appear to be prime movers in the rendition from a country where I live to a country people fleeing are coming from to here, with haggard looks. Is that enoungh?
What's this guy's angle? That Israel is not right in wanting to take down Hamas after Oct7? That it could be done without blowing targets in Gaza? That Palestinian civilian lives lost are not a collateral resulting ofHamas' human shields method? What would be his alternative reaction on Oct 8, invite Hamas to the table and tell them that beheading babies is the way to force negotiations? As if Hamas ever wanted any negotiations, as if their goal of erasing Israel off the maps is not stated clearly enough.
I mean, this guy must have been joining global jihad singalongs on campuses, that's how far he takes his hate for Netanyahu - basically a jewish version of a fanatical anti-Trump prpgressist.
What "guy' are you talking about?. GAZA never voted for Hamas. Netenyahu corrupted HAMAS to do his bidding. You jump to conclusions without reading what I provided.
Government doesn't have to be evil. But it usually is. The people of Israel, just like the people of Palestine, just like the people of Canada and USA deserve and will have, some day, honest, shrunk, representative government. Or the governed will stop feeding the psychopaths.
People don't hate different people. Evil governments use us to do their evil. 🚚🚜🇨🇦🌎🙏🏼
Caf may have removed the two eur thievescalumny-pros from her platform. Maybe they are still up on chd. Massive damnage from Viv and her wolf gangs.
Hmmmm.... Can't quite decode your comment. Can you be more specific?
I attempt to code in words. Vivi ane fisher with an extra letter, and wolf gang, initial cap, appear to be prime movers in the rendition from a country where I live to a country people fleeing are coming from to here, with haggard looks. Is that enoungh?
Thanks... Substack is a free-speech forum. I never expected a coded comment to challenge my mind-reading skills... HA!
Caf's last name is fits. You know of rfk's platform he is on leave from?
Also. Even sub could get bought or taken mañana.
I have described my own mind as Chaos Unleashed, while scratching my own head.
What's this guy's angle? That Israel is not right in wanting to take down Hamas after Oct7? That it could be done without blowing targets in Gaza? That Palestinian civilian lives lost are not a collateral resulting ofHamas' human shields method? What would be his alternative reaction on Oct 8, invite Hamas to the table and tell them that beheading babies is the way to force negotiations? As if Hamas ever wanted any negotiations, as if their goal of erasing Israel off the maps is not stated clearly enough.
I mean, this guy must have been joining global jihad singalongs on campuses, that's how far he takes his hate for Netanyahu - basically a jewish version of a fanatical anti-Trump prpgressist.
What "guy' are you talking about?. GAZA never voted for Hamas. Netenyahu corrupted HAMAS to do his bidding. You jump to conclusions without reading what I provided.
The interviewee, of course. Published my own comment,if I understand, not responding in anyone's thread.
So many know this now, in addition to their aiming weather events and the nz data. They just cannot keep a lid.
Government doesn't have to be evil. But it usually is. The people of Israel, just like the people of Palestine, just like the people of Canada and USA deserve and will have, some day, honest, shrunk, representative government. Or the governed will stop feeding the psychopaths.
People don't hate different people. Evil governments use us to do their evil. 🚚🚜🇨🇦🌎🙏🏼