Finally!!! Have been labeled as a nut case for years. The most telling confirmation happened about 10 years ago when I was changing out the water in the horses trough. After cleaning and sanitizing it I started to fill it up with fresh water from the hose. Lightning and thunder suddenly appeared without warning so I shut off the hose and let the torrential downpour fill the trough. Several hours later it was dinner time for the horses. The intense heat and humidity settled in as usual and lasted well into late evening. The next morning I gazed into the pasture in semi darkness and saw the horses intently staring in my direction. I fed them and put out fresh hay. It suddenly occurred to me that the trough was still full to the top and had not been touched. Then the horses noticed me noticing the trough and they began to glare at me. I scooped out a hand full of water and smelled it. It smelled like a concoction of chemicals. It was awful. Needless to say I dumped it out, hosed it out and wiped it with a neutral cleaner. The poor horses began drinking the fresh water immediately. That was the only confirmation that I needed. Livestock, ponds, rivers, lakes, the ocean, the mountains and EVERYTHING is being poisoned intentionally.
This evil toxic geoengineered spray is autisticizing thousands of Children every day that we allow it to continue.
Finally!!! Have been labeled as a nut case for years. The most telling confirmation happened about 10 years ago when I was changing out the water in the horses trough. After cleaning and sanitizing it I started to fill it up with fresh water from the hose. Lightning and thunder suddenly appeared without warning so I shut off the hose and let the torrential downpour fill the trough. Several hours later it was dinner time for the horses. The intense heat and humidity settled in as usual and lasted well into late evening. The next morning I gazed into the pasture in semi darkness and saw the horses intently staring in my direction. I fed them and put out fresh hay. It suddenly occurred to me that the trough was still full to the top and had not been touched. Then the horses noticed me noticing the trough and they began to glare at me. I scooped out a hand full of water and smelled it. It smelled like a concoction of chemicals. It was awful. Needless to say I dumped it out, hosed it out and wiped it with a neutral cleaner. The poor horses began drinking the fresh water immediately. That was the only confirmation that I needed. Livestock, ponds, rivers, lakes, the ocean, the mountains and EVERYTHING is being poisoned intentionally.
Wow. Amazing story
Absolutely! Sumter53? A nut case? That's crazy.
TY, Harold...we are still a long way from stopping this horror - but there are more eyes on this every day...breath by breath we rant until we can't.
We're gaining traction, just need to keep hammering it home!!! has done a thorough job showing the evils being perpetuated.
This substack consolidates and explains the basics of chemtrails, its health affects, and some of the reasons for the program.
What is a Maui Pravda article?