
Great! I linked to some of your sources and posted them on fb. I get frustrated with li, so I don't go there much any more. One link about a jolly would not go. No surprse there. Why the warlord is at whom now makes more sense to me. Big dams are imperialist horrors to me.

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Horrifying, but cannot be unseen once seen. I want to share on socmed, but I use big ones. Would con sort I um news post this?

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I posted on FB and Twitter - https://www.facebook.com/H.W.Saive

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These so called Israeli and US projects are nothing like the true ideals of these governments. These propagandized inclined hopes between our Arab neighbors and clearly would achieve the opposite were they to be introduced. This is the exact opposite of what Israel seeks, namely peace with all of its neighbors. From this source of muddle east news one can expect nothing that is actually possible from the editors and their collogues.

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You think Israeli Zionists seek seek peace with all it's neighbors? You seem terminally mind-controlled.

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