And yet, people are lining up to take more jabs and sadly, their children...

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10 Florida GOP Counties passed the BAN the JAB resolution. Any chance for Alachua County becoming 11th? - Dr Sansone has been a real effective activist - https://www.facebook.com/joe.sansone.359

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I just wish we could convince other county commissions to follow suit. In my county, the commissioners can't/won't even acknowledge there's a problem.

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There's organized push-back within the AC GOP/REC to bring up the topic for discussion. Very weak leadership

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Weak indeed.

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Thanks for the (belly) laugh. I needed that.

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Yes. If people still cannot see clearly the problems after 3.5 years, then sadly they have a high likelihood of becoming casualties of war. Innocent children are a heart-breaking (literally) target in so many ways, obviously to prevent repopulation as the birth rate plunges.

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Yes, I have been thinking along same lines. Very well said. As the number of vaxxies decline..the percentage of awakers increases..due to the numerical reduction of vaxxies but also because as death ☠️ & injuries rise fewer vaxxie parents will be having children. Hopefully a few sleepers will switch sides out of the shock as well..but not holding breath on this. Regarding hardcore disciplined, hope fully it doesn't get to be that bad..but it sure seems heading in this direction. Feels like we have been wandering around the desert all our lives hoping to see the oasis of real global freedom. I'm thirsty!

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Glad you got up to speed and are breathing fully in the oxygen band, 60 GHz 😉

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With daily diets of mainstream fear porn, many are still ignorant of any counter narratives. The mainstream has yet to acknowledge any abnormal injury or death rates from the jabs. As Ed Dowd's book title suggests, deaths are all from "cause unknown".

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