Netenyahu Planned False Flag Hamas Attack to Force Migration of Palestinian "Refugees" to Western Countries
General Flynn claims the Hamas attack was a false flag with orders for the IDF to stand-down for seven hours to allow Hamas to attack
General Flynn claims the Hamas attack was a false flag with orders for the IDF to stand-down for seven hours to allow Hamas to attack. This may be true but Flynn gives away his support for murdering Zionists when he claims the Palestinians have always been a problem because they are violent Jihadists and that’s why nobody else wants Palestinian refugees.
Don’t be fooled. This story is a continuation of a planned PsyOp with Michael Flynn, Alex Jones and other actors speaking the deep-state’s narrative.
Keep in mind that not one single Hamas or Hezbollah missile has yet been directed at Tel Aviv, any vital Israeli government offices or religious Jewish sites. This “Orwellian” war appears more like an managed “arrangement” between Israel and willing mideast partners in an expanded Israel.
See the October 8, 2023 post on the Hamas False Flag War
Middle East Eye: Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told his supporters that he is working on finding countries ready to "absorb" Palestinians from Gaza.
The Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom said Netanyahu made the comments at a meeting of his Likud party on Monday, in which he sought to clarify Israel's plans for after the war had ended.
"Our problem is countries that are ready to absorb them and we are working on it," Netanyahu said.
"The world is already discussing the possibilities of voluntary immigration,” he said, adding that a team must be established to “ensure that those who want to leave Gaza to a third country can do so. It needs to be settled. It has strategic importance for the day after the war."
His words align with statements made by other senior Likud figures. Former Likud minister Danny Danon, for example, has publicly called on western states to accept refugees from Gaza. (Continue)
Given the increasingly blatant history of Eurocentric “Western” imperialism’s tactic of using #FalseFlagAttacks to fool entire populations into accepting at face value the #MastersOfWar’s official LI(n)ES, this accusation is thought to be more than likely true by we #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers).
From The Grayzone