Hamas Disaster Made Worse by Israel's Restrictive Gun Control Policy (John Lott)
In response, Israel issued an emergency order making it much easier for civilians to carry guns for protection.
Crime Prevention Research Center
After Hamas murdered over 1,400 Israelis, Israel issued an emergency order making it much easier for civilians to carry guns for protection. Unfortunately, gun control advocates made it much more difficult for civilians to have guns -- with only 3% of adult Jews being able to carry guns in public. It is too bad that changes didn't occur before the attack, and some civilians at the music festival weren't carrying guns.
My piece at the Washington Times explains how Israel's gun control laws have changed over time. - HERE
I did radio interviews with Lars Larson's and the Armed American Radio's national shows, the Vicki McKenna Show covering Wisconsin, and Charlotte's giant WBT.
Another op-ed in The Federalist analyzed the oral arguments for the Rahimi case that the Supreme Court will hear on November 7th. It builds on the Amicus brief that the Crime Prevention Research Center submitted to the court. This case could have a major impact on gun control regulations in the US.
Fox & Friends covered some of our work that I published last year at Real Clear Investigations.
I discussed California's push for a Constitutional Amendment to rewrite the Second Amendment on the Bill Martinez and Joe Messina national radio shows, San Diego's KCBQ, Oregon's Bill Meyer Show, and Iowa's KXEL.
We have also continued collecting cases where people legally carrying guns in public have stopped crimes. Here are the cases that we collected for June.
Among other news, the FBI and other intelligence agencies think that "Trump's army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically." With Illinois' new gun and magazine registration law starting on October 1st, so far virtually no one is registering these items, though they have until the end of the year. Biden's new up to 20 miles of border wall, is not a wall, but more like a three foot high barrier. By they way, the CPRC is ranked as having the third best crime blog.
For information on activities at the Crime Prevention Research Center, here is a link to our “info deck.” Please view in full-screen mode and scroll using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen.
But we need help getting this message out. If you have friends you think might find our emails interesting, please encourage them to sign up by sending them the link here.
Thank you very much for all your support. I don't often ask you all directly for donations, but we need to hire another position and your donation will make a big difference. We have some tough battles ahead, and I want you to know how much your support has been greatly appreciated.
Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.6%, the correct number is at least 35.7%. In 2022, it is at least 41.3%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 63.5%.
At the Federalist: Feds Want SCOTUS To Let Judges Strip Gun Rights, Even When There’s Been No Crime
At the Washington Times: Second Amendment matters in a time of crisis: The importance of good guys with guns
Talk from the Gun Rights Policy Conference: More Gun Control Myths
Talk at Tufts University on October 24th
CPRC making presentations at Northwest Safety First Conference in Boise, Idaho
Television interviews/Podcasts
On NewsMax’s Chris Salcedo Show: To Discuss Democrats’ Latest Gun Regulation Effort
Radio interviews/Podcasts
On the Lars Larson Show: To Discuss the Importance of Defensive Gun Use in Israel
On Armed American Radio: To Discuss Israel, Disarmed Citizenry, and Upcoming SCOTUS 2A Case
On The Vicki McKenna Show: To Discuss Israel Allowing Citizens to Carry Guns for Self-Defense
On WBT Charlotte’s News Talk: To Discuss Israel’s Armed Citizens and New Mexico’s Ban on Guns in Parks
On the Bill Meyer Show: To Discuss Democrats’ Constitutional Amendment
On the Bill Martinez Show: To Discuss CA Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Proposed 28th Amendment and Donald Trump’s New York Civil Trial
On San Diego KCBQ’s The Andrea Kaye Show: To Discuss California Democrats’ Call for Constitutional Amendment
On The Joe Messina Show: California Democrats Admit It’s Unconstitutional To Ban Gun Ownership
On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Democrats’ New Push for Tougher Gun Laws
Television Show Bias on Guns
Media Coverage of the CPRC
Fox & Friends Discusses the CPRC Research
CPRC in the News: The New York Sun, Red State, Bearing Arms, American Liberty, and more
Defensive Gun Uses
Defensive Gun Uses By People Legally Carrying Guns: 20 Cases During June 2023
Other Recent Testimony
Testimony before the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary on Gun Control
Recent C-SPAN Appearances
Gun Control Myths
Washington Journal John Lott on Gun Violence in the U.S.
The FBI and Other Intelligence Agencies Think “Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically” and that the FBI “has to deal with [it]”
Prophetic September 20th, 2023 Article in the Jerusalem Post: “Israelis should carry guns on Yom Kippur, police say.” With Hamas’ surprise attack, now Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir is making more people carry.
Armed Israeli Civilians Stop Terrorist Attack at Their Kibbutz
With 2,415,481 FOID cards in Illinois, Only 2,060 have so far registered their firearms and 1,125 have registered their accessories, such as “large” capacity magazines
Terrorism Suspected in Fatal Shooting of two Swedes in Brussels
Trump v. Biden Border Walls
The CPRC ranked as the Third Best Crime Blog
Biden Complaining about Weapons having 100 rounds in the Chamber
John R. Lott, Jr.
Crime Prevention Research Center
P.O. Box 2293, 1100 W Kent Ave, Missoula, MT 59801
(484) 802-5373