Introduction to the Magnetic Pole Shift and Consequences to Life on Earth. Ben Davidson Video
Imagine the world waking up one morning to discover that all compasses pointed south instead of north.
It’s not as bizarre as it sounds. Earth’s magnetic field has flipped – though not overnight – many times throughout the planet’s history. Its dipole magnetic field, like that of a bar magnet, remains about the same intensity for thousands to millions of years, but for incompletely known reasons it occasionally weakens and, presumably over a few thousand years, reverses direction. (Continue)
Earth Disaster is Coming - ALL The Evidence
VIDEO: Ben Davidson - Suspicious 0bservers
Above are two of Ben Davidson's most concise videos to explain the documented 12,000 year Earth Disaster Cycle now in progress.
If you're new to this topic, the Earth's magnetic north and south poles are expected to shift by thousands of miles to converge in the Indian Ocean. This event is expected to take place this century and perhaps within a few decades.
The Earth Disaster Cycle comes as the trans-humanist elite dig survival bunkers and inflict toxic vaccines on the global population as "counter-measures". This a likely tactic to can remain in control of humanity in their Covid World Order of bioweapon injections and total population control during the coming Earth Disaster
In one scenario, the elite's plan is to create synthetic immortality by uploading their brains into a "cloud" and later to be "resurrected" inside the bio-engineered flesh of a new body when the disaster cycle subsides and earth stabilizes into an altered geophysical and geomagnetic state. This is a very tall order even for the masters of earth’s financial universe.
LIKE SEEDLESS WATERMELONS? - Pursuit of what is framed by the transumanists as "directed evolution" through genetic manipulation is another tactic to maintain a cohesive and obedient population of economic slaves in order to continue their abusive Ponzi financial crimes in the depopulation aftermath of the disaster cycle.
The end-game for humanity comes when the wizardry of genetic manipulation allows humans and animal species to be owned and "programmed' by corporations through the process of patents and copyrights. ie": You will own nothing. They will own you.
Great post, Harold!
I've been following Ben Davidson's Suspicious Observers channel for a few years (first learned about him from the commenters over at Anyway, the disaster cycle makes sense to me. I've listened to lots of independent radio/alt science shows over the years and have learned a lot about catastrophism. It makes sense to me and the evidence is all over the world at megalithic sites. For people wanting to learn more, I highly recommend watching Joe Rogan's shows with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson. Another channel that covers the 12,000 year disaster cycle is Doug Vogt's Diehold Foundation youtube channel--although he agrees with Ben Davidson on the disaster cycle and the fact that the sun novas (or micronovas), Doug expects it to play out differently than Ben does. So, IMO, it's worth listening to both. I'm on the East coast, so probably a goner when this happens.