Chinese Satellite Lasers Debunked Says Jim Lee at Climate Viewer
Jim Lee claims to be an authority on climate weapons and limits of DEW/Laser weapons capability.
Jim Lee responds to the claims of Steve Favis who has appeared on the Jeffrey Prather show two times so far. HERE on 9/7 and HERE on 9/14 - Steve Favis Website HERE
Jim Lee explains how the climate could have been weaponized to create an enormous high pressure ridge north of Hawaii sending high winds from east to west across Maui and into Lahaina. He demonstrates how downed power lines sparked some of the fires with the possibility that arsonists participated to create the greater disaster in Lahaina.
Elements of foreknowledge combined with police obstruction of motorists attempting to evacuate, failure to activate the island’s audible disaster alert system, hiring of a new police chief and FBI trained actor, John Pelletier who presided over the fake Las Vegas, Route-91 shooting in 2017. (See the James Fetzer debunking video) - Also watch (Las Vegas Shooting Crisis Actors by Debbie Lusignan)
The additional insult of Hawaii’s crime boss governor, Josh Green’s stated goal of re-building Lahaina as a UN Agenda “Smart City” is strong evidence the fires were designed by global terrorists as a deliberate and murderous act to implement the UN Agenda 2030 plan.
The fundamental climate study to support Lee’s claim was posted by Cliff Mass PhD, professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington. (Study HERE)
BACKDRAFT: Maui Fire Facts and Fiction (8/20/23)
Maui DEW & Chinese Satellites (9/17/23)
Directed Energy Weapons 101: Sonic, Microwave, Laser, and Non-Lethal Warfare
500 Terrawatts (CPA) = National Ignition Facility (NIF) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and HERE
30 Petawatts (CPA) = ZEUS: Scientists Are About to Fire Up The Most Powerful Laser in The US
500+ KILOWATT DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON SYSTEMS (DEW) - (DoD) High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative (HELSI) and HERE
Lockheed Martin plus HERE and HERE
Harold--Since you have a good eye for psyops and hoaxes, check this out with Fetterman. As soon as I saw that top photo, it caught me as definitely NOT Fetterman. Scroll down and watch the video. Pretty sure it's a double. Some in the comments also agree.